Welcome to join us! "Discover at HUST" - China's Low-Carbon Economy and International Cooperation Program

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Introduction to the School of Economics, HUST 学院简介

The School of Economics at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)is a leading economics institution in China. Founded by Peikang Chang, the father of Development Economics in China, the school has a strong reputation for excellence in economics education, research, and public service. Committed to training economists for international and cutting-edge academic research, the school has produced numerous distinguished economists, experts, and leaders in academia, business, and politics.

With over 70 full-time faculty members conducting world-class research in nearly all areas of economics—including economic theory, econometrics, macroeconomics, international trade, industrial organization, development economics, labor economics, health economics, and environmental economics—the school consistently publishes in top-tier academic journals. Senior faculty members often serve on government commissions addressing critical issues like housing, regional development, and poverty.

Since 2000, the School of Economics has successfully cultivated 345 international students, including 66 bachelor’s, 167 master’s, and 72 doctoral graduates.

Program Details

Program Name 项目名称

"Discover at HUST" - China's Low-Carbon Economy and International Cooperation Program


Duration 项目时长

-14 days (June 10th, 2025 - June 23th, 2025)

-14天(2025年6月10日- 2025年6月23日)


Eligibility 申请资格

- Nationality: Citizens from the U.S. or European countries

- Age: 18-30 years old, with strong English proficiency

- Student status: Enrolled at universities in the U.S. or European countries

- Preference for economics majors or minors

  • 国籍:美国或欧洲国家公民

  • 年龄:18 - 30岁,具备较强的英语能力

  • 学生身份:在美国或欧洲国家的大学就读

  • 优先考虑经济学专业和辅修学生

How to Apply 申请方式

Deadline: May 10 ,2025.

Required Documents: Completed application form(https://www.wjx.cn/vm/rA5nGmG.aspx#), copy of passport, Proof of student status and Academic transcript




Scan here to get the Application form

Schedule (14 days) 行程安排




JUNE 10th

Arrival and check-in


JUNE 11th

Field visits: Forbidden City, National Museum


JUNE 12th

Corporate visit: Liard Group;

High-speed railway to Wuhan


JUNE 13th

Opening Ceremony

Lecture 1: Green Economy and Green Finance in China Prof. Kong Dongmin孔东民

Campus tour: Huazhong University of Science and Technology History Museum, etc


JUNE 14th-JUNE 15th

Explore the Taoist culture of Wudang Mountain (1-2 days)

Lecture 2: Traditional Tai Chi


JUNE 16th

Green agriculture field investigation (Xihe Village in Zhushan County, Cliff Honey Pavilion, etc.)


JUNE 17th

Shiyan corporate visit


JUNE 18th

Cultural exchange with local schools

Lecture 3:Chinese-English Student Exchange

High speed railway: Shiyan--Wuhan


JUNE 19th

Lecture 4:E-commerce in China Prof.Wang Banban王班班

Practical Teaching: Engineering Practice


JUNE 20th

Lecture 5: China's Green Economy Development Prof.Ouyang Hongbin欧阳红兵

East Lake Greenway Ecological Park, Wuhan special dinner


JUNE 21th

Field visits: Hubei Provincial Museum, Chime Bells performance, Wuhan Urban Planning Museum, the light show among two rivers and three banks


JUNE 22th

Lecture 6:Green finance development and enterprise transformation Prof.Dai Yunhao代昀昊

Seminar: Discussion on "Green Economy and International Cooperation"


JUNE 23th

Closing Ceremony,

Departure: (Wuhan--Beijing --Overseas)


*Schedule is subject to change


Fees 费用

-Visits, foods and accommodation are all included during 14days

-Students need to purchase their own air tickets to and from Beijing,China

  • 14天期间的参观、餐饮和住宿费用全包

  • 学生需自行购买往返中国的北京机票


Contact Us 联系我们

International Admissions and Cooperation Office School of Economics Huazhong University of Science and Technology, P. R. China

Mandy Ma

-Email: mawenli_hust@163.com

-Phone number:+86 15827191220


Julia Lee

-Email: 2951026207@qq.com

-Phone number:+86 15279835396


Add:1037 Luoyu Road, Wuhan.430074, P.R. China

Tel: 0086-27-87542300

Website: http://eco.hust.edu.cn/

For details of the project, please refer to the downloadable attachment.

Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Add: 1037 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, Hubei, China; P.C:430074
Tel: +86 27 87542457 Fax: +86 27 87792118
Email: admission@hust.edu.cn
copyright©2017 huazhong university of science & technology