Wish you a pleasant journey---Departure point:School of Economics, HUST 从经济学院再出发!下一段征程,又是一个新的起点!
The author: Time:2021-06-28 Hits:
Dear international students,
Congratulations on your graduation! We are so pround of you. To some degree, choosing to study abroad is synonymous with embracing diversity, moving away from comfort zone, and facing challenges. All of you have done well and reshaped yourselves with an open mind and a pair of non-stop feet. In the past years, School of Economics witnessed your progresses and accomplishments. We saw your paticipation in volunteering activitives, Chinese talent show, traditional culture salon and academic workshops. We saw your eager to explore and experience China. We saw your curiosity to learn more about economics in and outside classroom. We saw your hard work lead you to a pathway to success.

We saw you conquered diffculties and try your best to study online. Although we have not seen each others' faces for a long time, we still found the chance for the renion online.

We saw your smiles and tears. We saw you holding HUST Student Guidebook and Agriculture and Industrilization. Please remember you will never leave HUST and you just embark on a new journey from here.

You are like a movie. You are like a song.
You are with HUST forever.