On the afternoon of Nov 5, 2019, Dámaso López, vice president of international relations from Complutense University of Madrid and Juan Carlos izqierdo, a representative of foreign affairs visited our school. Prof. Zhang Jianhua (Dean of our school), Prof. Ouyang Hongbing (vice president) and associate Professor Zhong Xiwei, Peng Yumeng, the regional commissioner of international exchange office and Lan Hanghang, the director of recruitment and foreign cooperation office from School of International Education attended this forum.
During the forum, Peng Yumeng introduced the HUST’s history, school-running characteristics and personnel training. Juan Carlos Izqierdo, the representative of foreign affairs, introduced the Complutense University of Madrid, especially some existing exchange programs with Chinese universities.
Then,Prof.Zhang Jianhuaproposed several modesto develop the academiccooperationbetween the two universities, likesummer camps, joint workshops and seminars, tostart afriendlycommunication amongstudentsfromboth sides. Secondly,"1+1 jointdegree” programcould follow with that and gradually launched.Dámaso Lópezstronglyagreedwith this proposalandhope to build a long-termcooperation with HUST in the future.
Before the end, Prof. Zhang Jianhua gave an original workagriculture and industrializationin English version as a gift toDámaso López. This book is written by Mr. Zhang Peigang, one of the important founders of our school. Dámaso López also presented us with a typical hand painting, drawing the landmark building of Complutense University of Madrid.
With over 700 years of history, Complutense University of Madrid is the largest and most comprehensive university in Spain. There are 20 colleges, 6 colleges, 184 departments and 76 officially recognized degrees. The school is particularly prominent in the categories of Humanities and health sciences. Under its long history, its get 7 Nobel Prizes. The current queen, old King and many political figures of Spain are alumni as well.